* During rainstorm our patio is every now and again topped off with water causing spillage beneath. What is the arrangements?.
* there are numerous materials accessible to browse, for waterproofing a level rooftop.
* In the previous quite a while rooftop waterproofing fluid end up being a possible, practical and all the more harmless to the ecosystem arrangement.
* Prior to rainstorm, guarantee that all channels are cleaned. Give an appropriate incline of 1:100 at any rate, with a mortar blended
* Then, at that point use Dr. Fixit Newcoat Ezee, as rooftop waterproofing covering for home.
* This ensures your patio in only 2 simple coats.
* Being UV safe covering, it very well may be left presented to sun with no top screeding.
* It is additionally foot sellable and best of all, you need not break your porch as being done customarily with bludgeon coba technique.