A beard can be a thing of beauty. From the carefully clipped goatee to the thick, full neck-warmer, facial hair is always a bold statement of style. Trimming gives the beard its shape, and a beard without a shape is just hair protruding from the face. If you follow the proper way to trim a beard, you’ll be aiming for an even length all over, and a proper beard neckline, cheekline, mustache and lipline. At the Zubi Professional Saloon one can get the best beard setup and cleaning done.The Various ways in which one can make the beard look cleaner is by following these steps:-
Step 1-Keep it Clean and Soft.A dry,dirty beard,isn't ideal for obvious reasons.
Step 2-Brush It out.After your beard dries take a brush and run it against the grain,so that the hairs stand up and out.
Step 3-Trim
Step 4-About That Mustache
Step 5-Define your Neckline
Step 6-Finish with Oil