Our Product

Brand- Neolaxe
Width- 2-4 feet
Color- Malticolor
Finish Type- Glossy & Matte
Thickness(mm)- 1mm
Size - 8*4
Length- 4-8
Fireproof- No
Material- Wooden
Color- Multicolor 


We offring best types of Reolaxe laminets:-
Cross Line Dark Plywood.
Dark Corona Pine Plywood.
Pink Flower Board.
Black ST Wenge Plywood.
Classic Particle Board.
Body Line Brown Plywood.

Hilaxe Digital Laminates

is a manufacturing company with

a distinct and dedicated vision.

It believes in churning our products that not

just withstand stringiest of

quality measurements,

but also delight and

surprise its customers

with their sheer perfection in making.

Brand-  Hilaxe Laminets sheets
Width-  2-4 feet
Color-  brown
Finish Type-  Glossy & Matte
Thickness(mm)- 1mm
Size-   8'4
Length- 4-8
Fireproof-  No
Material-  Sunmica
Usage-  Furniture
Design Type- Decorative
Brand  Hilaxe VNR Sheets
Finish Type-  Glossy & Matte
Thickness(mm)- 1mm
Size-   8'4
Length- 4-8
Fireproof-  No
Material-  Sunmica
Usage-  Furniture
Design Type- Decorative

We offering best Hilaxe SF laminets:-
Height- 8 Feet
Width-  4 Feet
Thickness- 0.8 MM
Design Name- Hilaxe SF
Finish- SF
Products Range- 0.8MM Wood Grain
We offring best types of Reolaxe laminets:-
1. Cross Line Dark Plywood.
2. Dark Corona Pine Plywood.
3. Pink Flower Board.
4. Black ST Wenge Plywood.
5. Classic Particle Board.
6. Body Line Brown Plywood.

We offring best types of Reolaxe laminets:-
Cross Line Dark Plywood.
Dark Corona Pine Plywood.
Pink Flower Board.
Black ST Wenge Plywood.
Classic Particle Board.
Body Line Brown Plywood.