Our Product

Basal Implant and Conventional

Benefits of implants

  • The prosthesis is repaired within 72 hours of implant surgery.
  • Basal implants are a fantastic selection for diabetics and smokers.
  • Basal implants are the future and are completely safe for dental patients.

Full Mouth Rehabilitation

We are here for Full Mouth Rehabilitation for those patients who have multiple oral health problems.

  • Missing teeth
  • Brocken or Cracked teeth
  • Servere tooth decay
  • Gum disease/receding gums
  • Badly discolored teeth
  • Congenital dental deformities

Orthodontic Braces

Available braces-

  • Metal braces
  • Ceramic braces
  • Self-ligating braces
  • Lingual braces
  • Clear aligners like Invisalign

Electro Cautery Dental Laser-Masude Ki Shalya Chikitsa

  • A sighificantly lower cost than a diode laser.
  • Often a lower cost than other wavelengths of lasers.
  • Assuming the electrode is cleaned frequently while operating, the cutting consistency, speed, and depth of cuts are very good.
  • After cutting, the wound is nearly painless.

Single Siting Root Canal-Endo-Motor Apex Locator

Single sitting root canal treatment is the latest treatment method in dentistry.

This treatment is absolutely painless and is done in one go.

We use-

  • Latest equipment
  • Digital technology
  • Endodontic Apparatus System

Cystic Enucleation

Enucleation has been most effective and reliable method to treat cysts.

It completely removes the cystic capsule, thus reducing the possibility of recurrence.

Certain modifications to the method of enucleation have been proposed for ease of removal and to assure complete enucleation.

Impaction Surgery

One of the most performed procedures in the specialty of oral and maxillofacial surgery is removal of impacted teeth, especially third molars.

Here we treat the effective within the expected time.

Cosmetic Surgery-PRP-PRF-Torn Ear Surgery

The Cosmatic surgoen extends the split downwards to complete the ear.

We stitches together the split with minimum sutures to make the ear whole again.

The sutures are kept in place for a week after which the doctor will remove them during a follow-up visit.

Fracture-IMF plating

Image result for intermaxillary fixation dr Intermaxillary fixation (IMF) is a technique that allows for the reduction and stabilization of maxillary or mandibular fractures using arches, ligatures, or screws, which are attached to the dental arches before surgical osteosynthesis material is applied.

OPG Machine

OPG We have Bundi's first OPG machine .

Orthopantomogram (OPG) X-ray is also known as a panoramic dental X-ray.

An OPG X-ray uses a single film to capture the teeth, jawbomes and surrounding features.

It helps on diagnosing dental problems and assist in planning procedures such as implants and orthdontics.

B-Class Autoclave Fogger Sterilization

  • Effective Drying giving dry produces
  • Negative Pressure Display
  • Door Locking Safety Switch
  • Multiple Safety Features
  • Provision to connect External Printer

Dental Fillings

Dental Filling Materials inckude:-

  • Gold
  • Porcelain
  • Silver amalgam ( contains mercury mixed with silver, tin, zinc, and copper)
  • Tooth-colored, plastic and glass materials called composite resin fillings.

Root Canal Treatment

Here we treat 3 stages of root canal problems:-

  • Extirpation- Initial clean to control bacterial infection
  • Instrumentation:- thorough clean and medicine
  • Obturation-Filling the root canel

Wisdom Teeth Removal

We will likely recommend wisdom tooth removal if teeth are impacted to avoid the following outcomes:

  • Tooth pain at the site
  • Trapped food that can cause decay
  • Damage to nearby teeth and gums
  • Damage to the jawbone
  • Bacterial growth in the gumline of partially impacted teeth
  • Development of a cyst or tumor near the tooth
  • Shifting teeth
  • Jow and gum disease

Braces & Aligners

Traditional Braces-

  • Visibility-Highly Noticeable
  • Removability- Non-Removable
  • Oral Hygiene- Diffcult to maintain routine healthy oral care
  • Comfort- Can cause anrasion in mouth
  • Duration- Takes longer than aligners

Clear Aligners

Invisible- One cannot spot them easily

Removevable- People have freedom to remove aligners while eating, brushing & flossing

Dental Implants

  • The prosthesis is repaired within 72 hours of implant surgery.
  • Implants are a fantastic selection for diabetics and smokers.
  • Implants are the future and are completely safe for dental patients.


Two type of denture available- Complete and partial

We offer denture services- and may provide results that allow you to restore your smile for a reasonable price.

Bridges & Crowns

Dental bridge types-

Four main type of dental:-

  • Traditional
  • Cantilever
  • Maryland
  • Implant-supported


  • All porcelain fused to metal
  • Full cast gold crown

Teeth Whitening

We can easily be lifted from the teeth with professional whitening treatments.

The strength of our treatments help patients transform their smile to a dazzling white.

Smile Makeover

Smile makeover takes into consideration the tooth color:-

  • Tooth size
  • Tooth shape
  • Tooth position
  • Lip position
  • Lip length
  • Gum position
  • Gum color

Kids Dentistry

We providing dental care including cleaning and fluorid treatments, as well as nutrition and diet recommendation.

Repair of tooth cavities or defects

Dental injuries- Fractured, displaced or knocked-out teeth

Mouth Ulcers

We treat three types mouth ulcers-

  • Minor
  • Major
  • Herpetiform

Preventive Dentistry

The dentist will conduct a comprensive oral examinitation that include any of the following:

  • Oral cancer screening
  • Diagnostic x-ray (radiographic)
  • Examination for gum disease
  • Checking current restorations

Advance Gum Treatment

After this process, your gums, will heal and reattach themselves to your teeth's healthy, clean surface.

Within a few weeks, your dentist will test your healing and decide if further treatment is necessary.