The renowned shop "Lada Sherwani and Safawala" is situated at G-4, Indra Gyan Complex, Near Ray Beauty, Kotri Road, Gumanpura. We as our name suggests are expert in delivering quality Sherwani and Safas to all our aspiring customers. We have attained much public attention in the vivacious Kota city.  This is because we have versatile quality products at our shop.We keep catchy Groom and Bridal accessories to accentuate your looks in a brighter and effective way.  At our shop one can get exclusive marriage couture collection for men.

At the "Lada Sherwani and Safawala" one can attain popular items such as the following:-Sherwani, Safa, Kantha, Sarpech Kalangi, Jodhpuri Suit, Jacket, Kurta Pajama, Lehnga Choli, Bridal Chuda, Bridal Kalire, Bridal Chunni, Bridal Lehenga, Bridal Jewellery Set, Hair Accessories, Bridal Juti, Dulha Juti, etc.  We can say that our shop is the ultimate destination for all the upcoming brides and grooms. If you are the one who is about to get married soon then just come to our shop for a delightful purchase.

We have the bright shades of sherwanis and exclusive traditional royal touch safas. Give yourself the perfect attire for your special D day or the wedding season. We have the latest collection of outfits for both the bride as well as grooms. At very reasonable rates you can make a purchase. All outfits are the designer ones and designed keeping in mind the current trends in the market. One can have beautiful red colored bridal chudas for the forthcoming wedding from here.  At the "Lada Sherwani and Safawala" one can easily get all the Dulha and Dulhan special accessories. This shop is such a wonderful place for shopping for all the wedding ceremonies.