Our Product

Mixture of contact & systemic insecticide, Dosage – 80 ml per acre,

Thiamethoxam (12.6%) + Lambdacyhalothrin (9.5%) ZC,

Excellent product for the Right Start of the crop with effective

control against sucking pests. Exhibits good overall crop outlook

and better crop greening with more branches and flower initiation.

AMPLIGO 150 ZC is encapsulated in tiny ZEON® capsules (ZC),

Acts faster and quick results are visible, Dosage – 80 to 100 ml per acre,

Excellent insecticide mixture containing Chloratranilprole (10 %)+ Lambdacyhalothrin (5%) ZC,

Visibly fast acting insecticide mixture having ovi - larvicidal action too.

For growers seeking the ultimate grass weed control in their cereal crops,

Axial herbicide provides market-leading grass control with its single use rate

for broad-spectrum control.

With a wide window of application and excellent crop safety and application flexibility,

it is the premium standard in the market.

It offers superior crop safety


* Ensures effective kill of the target pest with a dual mode of action.

* The target pest stops feeding in 1-2 hours and dies within 12-24 hours.

* Evicent is effective against all life stages of the insect pest including eggs to


* Evicent ensures effective control of larva and renders the adults and eggs sterile,thus ensures 

long duration control.

* Isabion is a product of natural origin for the balanced nutrition of plants,

which can be used both foliar and through irrigation water.

* It is composed of a mixture of free amino acids and short and long peptide chains,

in the proportion proper nutrition and biostimulation of the basic functions of the crops.

*Promotes root growth and vigorous development of the buds, induces a greater flowering,

promotes the pollination and fruit set of fruits, and improves the quantity and quality of the harvest.

Isabion is the result of the transformation of natural collagen through a process

that meets the highest standards of production and quality, which results in a product of the highest

concentration, greater capacity for uptake by plants, low ash and no harmful chemicals for soil and crops.

Karate Zeon is an insecticide for insect control in Cereals, Citrus, Grapes,

Vegetable and Forage Brassicas, Tomatoes, Beans, Onions, Potatoes, Maize,

Sweet corn (seedlings) and White Clover seed crops.

Rifit Plus dissolves and spreads fast and has an effective action.

It is convenient to use and safe for the crop and environment.

It contains Fluazifop-p-butyl 13.4 %EC. It is post- emergence

selective herbicide for Soybean, Cotton and Ground Nut.

*Crops :- Rice
* Target :- Stem borer
* Dosage :- 2.5Kg/ac
*Content with :- Chlorantraniliprole 0.5% GR +Thiomethoxam 1%
*Form :- Granules
* Brand :- Syngenta
*For Rice growers VIRTAKO is a unique. It having excellent control and long lasting protection from Stem Borer.
*Virtako help rice growers arrest crop loss at vegetative stage.
*VIRTAKO continues to improve in performance. Virtako does not stunt growth and is safe for the crops.

* Fusiflex can be defined as a soyabean Herbicide.

* Get the best qualiy Fusiflex only at Allied Agro Agencies.